Employment harassment is prohibited under the California statute, the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). Every form of harassment is illegal, from sexual harassment, gender harassment, and all other forms of harassment based on the protected characteristics defined by the said law. Not only do covered employers have to avoid harassment at all times, but must also take all reasonable steps to prevent it.

When it comes to sexual harassment, covered employers are required to provide information to every employee “on the nature, illegality, and legal remedies that apply to” it. They can do so by posting publications of their own, which should be pursuant of the state’s Government Code section 12950. They may also obtain a brochure from the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) (read more).

More importantly, covered employers, especially those who employ 50 or more individuals and those in the public sector, are required to conduct training that would help prevent sexual harassment in workplaces. But why do so anyway? The answer is rather simple: it is good for the business.

Basically, sexual harassment prevention training is a requirement that would help them avoid issues that may greatly affect their business operations. This training is held every two years, and making this an important focus in California businesses would prevent them from challenging expensive lawsuits filed by their sexually-harassed employees. When there’s no single sexual harassment situation in a workplace, daily operations are not only smooth and productive; employees are more encouraged to perform their duties.

Basically, employers must make it a point to educate employees about what sexual harassment is and how to prevent it from happening in their respective workplaces. It should reflect in their existing policies, as well as in their daily correspondence with their workers. Coverage of training also includes responding to sexual harassment complaints and possible effects to the business if a situation happened that can be deemed as sexual harassment.

Meanwhile, if you are an employee for a California business entity, make sure that it has a written policy on sexual harassment, which should definitely include training. Otherwise, it is best that you report it with the DFEH. Also, if you have been harassed in any way, it is in your best interest to consult with a Los Angeles employment lawyer.

More information about Sexual Harassment Law at