Image Source: http://california-employmentattorneys.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/fired.jpeg
Every day at work is a great challenge for anybody. It is the responsibility of the employer to make sure that their employees are working in an environment that is conducive for working: A workplace that encourages them to work harder and aim for success. The United States, has all of the laws needed to make sure that employees are protected from any form of harassment, abuse, and discrimination. However, there are still a few instances of such in these modern times.
Employees of a petroleum and gas industry equipment provider recently have scored a victory against their employers. These workers have been subjected to racial harassment. After they have filed a complaint in the management of the company, they were treated bad and retaliated by their bosses. They assigned the workers to do menial tasks, not the ones included in their job description. The company reduced their wages and eventually terminated from them from their jobs.
Fighting for what is right
The workers, have approached the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and filed a complaint. After an intense legal battle, the employees won their complaint and are set to receive more than $150,000 in lost wages and damages. Race discrimination and retaliation is a clear violation of the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you have been a victim of workplace discrimination based on one’s sex, religion, color, age, and/or race, one should immediately seek legal remedies by filing the right complaint in the proper agencies.
Los Angeles wrongful termination lawyers reminded people that coming forward and fighting for their rights is the only way that harassment, abuse, discrimination, and retaliation could be stopped. These lawyers recommended the hiring of Los Angeles attorneys as they know the many labor and employment laws and regulations in the state. These lawyers will be the best people to approach regarding legal matters in California. In the end, the fight against race and other forms of discrimination, harassment, abuse, and retaliation can only be won if the workers are aware of their rights and come forward to fight the oppression that they are experiencing.
Employees of a petroleum and gas industry equipment provider recently have scored a victory against their employers. These workers have been subjected to racial harassment. After they have filed a complaint in the management of the company, they were treated bad and retaliated by their bosses. They assigned the workers to do menial tasks, not the ones included in their job description. The company reduced their wages and eventually terminated from them from their jobs.
Fighting for what is right
The workers, have approached the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and filed a complaint. After an intense legal battle, the employees won their complaint and are set to receive more than $150,000 in lost wages and damages. Race discrimination and retaliation is a clear violation of the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you have been a victim of workplace discrimination based on one’s sex, religion, color, age, and/or race, one should immediately seek legal remedies by filing the right complaint in the proper agencies.
Los Angeles wrongful termination lawyers reminded people that coming forward and fighting for their rights is the only way that harassment, abuse, discrimination, and retaliation could be stopped. These lawyers recommended the hiring of Los Angeles attorneys as they know the many labor and employment laws and regulations in the state. These lawyers will be the best people to approach regarding legal matters in California. In the end, the fight against race and other forms of discrimination, harassment, abuse, and retaliation can only be won if the workers are aware of their rights and come forward to fight the oppression that they are experiencing.
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