Image Source: http://www.cohenbattisti.com/orlando-legal-services/employment-law-lawyer/EmploymentLaw_UnpaidWages.jpg
Wage and hour claims and lawsuits are nothing new in the State of California. In fact, a lot of cases surface involving inconsiderate employers who are found to have unpaid their employees the right and just amount of wages or salaries. Whether these incidents are purely unintentional or otherwise, the fact still remains: not being able to provide wages or salaries is a violation in the California labor laws.
Take for instance what happened to a car wash establishment in Fresno, California. The California Labor Commissioner Julie Su has filed a suit against the owner of White Glove car wash after the latter was found to have failed to provide its employees minimum wage and overtime pay, among all other labor law violations.
At least 33 workers of the said car wash were affected because of the alleged violations of the car wash establishment. The lawsuit is seeking more than $279,000.00 in unpaid wages and other damages as a result of the employer’s violations. Said suit was filed in the County Superior Court of Fresno.
Basically, the Labor Commissioner’s Office found in its investigation that the owner, Manbir Walia, failed to pay proper hourly wages and overtime pay to his employees. Evidence also found that the supervisor instructed the workers not to log in to their timecards upon arrival at the car wash establishment.
Sometimes, the workers had to wait for several hours before they could log in. Because of this, the lawsuit claimed, workers who have been working in a regular eight-hour stretch may have been paid less than the amount required for them receive.
According to Labor Commissioner Su, the employer breached “the basic promise of a just day’s pay for a hard day’s work.” Additionally, the state’s Department of Industrial Relations Director Christine Baker said that such “illegal actions hurt not only the employees but also honest businesses and taxpayers.”
Meanwhile, legal experts such as the Los Angeles employment lawyers continue to urge employees and workers who have been wronged by their employers to stand up for their rights.
Take for instance what happened to a car wash establishment in Fresno, California. The California Labor Commissioner Julie Su has filed a suit against the owner of White Glove car wash after the latter was found to have failed to provide its employees minimum wage and overtime pay, among all other labor law violations.
At least 33 workers of the said car wash were affected because of the alleged violations of the car wash establishment. The lawsuit is seeking more than $279,000.00 in unpaid wages and other damages as a result of the employer’s violations. Said suit was filed in the County Superior Court of Fresno.
Basically, the Labor Commissioner’s Office found in its investigation that the owner, Manbir Walia, failed to pay proper hourly wages and overtime pay to his employees. Evidence also found that the supervisor instructed the workers not to log in to their timecards upon arrival at the car wash establishment.
Sometimes, the workers had to wait for several hours before they could log in. Because of this, the lawsuit claimed, workers who have been working in a regular eight-hour stretch may have been paid less than the amount required for them receive.
According to Labor Commissioner Su, the employer breached “the basic promise of a just day’s pay for a hard day’s work.” Additionally, the state’s Department of Industrial Relations Director Christine Baker said that such “illegal actions hurt not only the employees but also honest businesses and taxpayers.”
Meanwhile, legal experts such as the Los Angeles employment lawyers continue to urge employees and workers who have been wronged by their employers to stand up for their rights.